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More Article Mileage

Did you notice? You can get more article mileage from the articles you publish, and then re-publish in different formats and ways for other media.

Now you want to know that secret, right?

First of all I must ask, do you write articles at all? Do you have an ezine or blog in which you write something new regularly?

You may think when you send out your ezine, or post that blog, you've done with that, and you promptly forget it and push on ahead. But if you wrote that small mini-article, you have full rights to it. You can reuse it as often as you like. You can publish it in many different formats. Hey, you can even put together a collection of them, and create an e-book to sell!

Yes, your blog entries can be polished into articles, or if you're smart, you'll write them as articles from the beginning to save yourself a step. Whatever you do, don't throw them out. That's your intellectual property, and you can make money from it for years to come. In fact, you can leave intellectual property to your heirs and they can make money from it all of their lives.

Organize your writings on your computer, so you can quickly find anything you want. If you haven't got a website, get one!

Place your articles (or previous blogs) as separate web pages on your site as web content. Make sure you include the three meta tags at the top. The general public won't see them, but the search engines do. So if you have a good title, description and keywords in those meta tags, the search engines will bring visitors to your site, and while they are there, they can 'notice' the ads for your affiliate programs in your side columns. If they click on any of those links, your affiliate accounts grow, and whenever it reaches a certain number they send your commission.

You can also post your article on various directly sites that collect articles for others to use. You include the credit lines that everyone who borrows your article MUST include to have the right to use it. Those credit lines should include a link to your site thus ensuring you will get more visitors and possible purchases of your products or services.

Do you get the picture? Even if your article is a mere 100 words in about three short paragraphs, if it has something worthwhile to say, and a good title, you can use it over and over in many ways, and keep profiting from it.

That's how I'm getting more mileage out of my review article last time on a certain site. I just popped it into a template on my business site, added some line returns between paragraphs, wrote up the three meta tags, named the page, and added a link on the index page to the eAction Articles section. Then I opened my FTP to the site, and slide those two pages over. Presto. More mileage. More profit potential.

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Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada