A Bouquet of Enterprises for You!
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A Bouquet of Enterprises for You

Do I REALLY have a Bouquet of Businesses to show you?

Yes, if you see each business idea as a flower, I do have quite a bouquet of them to look over! I run about half a dozen businesses myself. Sometimes more when I count the occasional ones I try out.

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Come, look these business ideas over, consider the requirements, startup costs, and possible time frames necessary, and decide which business you will try – first! The wisest online business owners – and I, too - strongly advise that you only start with one business idea at the beginning. Work hard at that one business for at least three months before you either give up on that idea, or start another one along side it.

Introducing Myself

I'm Ruth, the Responsible One. Because I know more than one Ruth Friesen in parts of Canada, I use my full name, Ruth Marlene Friesen, online so you won't confuse me with another Ruth you might know.

I want to be a generous giver! That's why I'm into online businesses. Maybe you want to be generous as well, once your own needs are met? Then we have that in common already!

However, I've found that we need to develop a generous personality long before all our own needs are satisfied. I admit it, now that I'm a senior. Most of my friends see me as young, adventuresome and willing to try new things. Hopefully, with some measure of mature wisdom, so I'll stay out of trouble.

Perhaps you are a Mature Christian Woman, but NOT ready for the proverbial rocker either? Good! There is room for you here as well!

If you want to try an Online Business Life - to support yourself, and/or to help others in need. Then, with all due respect, I'm probably the Right eAction Mentor for you.

My life has many facets and interests. The over-riding traits however throughout all of them, are perseverance, faithfulness, and that when I take responsibility for a work or project, it is hard to pry my fingers off - I have always been the oldest sister in charge, or The Responsible One (see brochure).

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Whether you collect diecast models of vintage cars, or your boys love vehicles of all kinds to play with on your carpets or in the sandbox, you may find just the DEAL at my Diecast Models Store
Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Bouquet of Enterprises
© 2004-2024 Ruth Marlene Friesen
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada